Linux Distributions

Last Modified: March 20, 2019


I used Debian for a long time.  Recently I have tried Oracle Linux and Fedora with bad experiences.

Oracle Linux 

It gave a black screen upon bootup when updated with the VirtualBox guest additions 6.0.4.  Also the initial install requires a lot of download over the network.

Fedora 29

It works a little better.  It comes with VirtualBox guest additions.  I think that the Oracle Linux has the guest additions too.  So the black screen with Oracle Linux might be due to me updating the guest additions to the latest one.

After the installation, the login screen is functional only when in the initial small window (800 * 640 ???).  If I maximize the window, it becomes a blank screen.  After much struggles, I fixed it by making the following changes in VirtualBox Manager:
1. Display: Video Memory increased from 16 MB to 128 MB.
2. Display: Graphics Controller from "VMSVGA" to "VBoxVGA".
3. System: Base Memory to 3072 MB

Gnome desktop has some nice usability features compared to Xfce.  For example, the Super key that gives access to all running windows and search etc.

I don't like the fixed Gnome top bar that cannot be removed or relocated.  The vertical screen space is of a premium.  In contrast, Xfce allows me to relocate the top bar to the right side in a vertical bar.

The main issue is that the Gnome desktop has sluggish performance.  Sometimes typing a key will produce a lot of repetitions and have to remove the repeated characters.

So I will stick with my beloved Debian!!!

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